Orange || Golden Healer Candles


I am connected to the divine healing source.

Orange candles, which are ruled by Jupiter, shower us with blessings. Orange promotes a sense of optimism, wellness and ignites a healing energy.

By curing our mind, body & soul we can connect to our highest self and find renewed energy. Light a Golden Healer Candle before you perform meditations, spiritual practices, and ceremonies which focus on healing. Perfect for healers, therapists and those seeking to heal themselves.

My planet-proof candles are infused with essential oils (Cedar, Spruce & Rosemary) that will invite invigorating energies to work their magick. Wrapped in “I put a spell on you” paper, making it a spellbinding gift.

Read more on Candle Magick Spells below.

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Candle Magick

Candles have been used in spells and rituals since forever, they can absorb energy and then release that energy when burned. The colour of the candle is essential, as each colour contains specific energy and vibrations, which helps to focus the energy of the spell towards the desired outcome.

Light a Golden Healer Candle before you perform meditations, spiritual practices, and ceremonies which focus on healing. Allow it to burn for at least 10 minutes, creating a calm, regenerative, sacred space for you to invite healing energies to work their magick.

Sunday is the day for healing and vitality.

Essential oils provide a direct connection between the natural physical world and the spiritual plane because of it’s unique effects on the mind of the practitioner.

Cedar Wood is an excellent purification oil. It is often used in cleansing rituasl. It is strongly protective and dispels negative energies and entities. It is a fantastic tool to use in banishing rituals.

Spruce oil has been long used by healers and is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs. Spruce grounds us and takes us back to nature, the fungi that connect all living things, the clean air that invigorates us, and heal the old wounds that linger. Perfect for deep healing breathwork.
Rosemary is an ancient herb used in healing, calming the immune system and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. It sooths all our systems allowing peace to reign once again.

Orange Candle:
100% green palm wax*
Certified Fair Trade
Cedar, Spruce and Rosemary Essential Oil
Burning time: 8-9 hours
Cotton wick, stable flame, no smoke, no residue
2 candles in a bundle, 24 cm long. A string and my Magick Patchouli Incense stick.

*Made from the purest non-GMO wax from fruit berries of the palm oil tree. This same high-quality palm tree oil can be found in cosmetics and is super safe. Palm Wax is made just like essential oils simply pressed and distilled.
Handmade and fair trade from Indonesia. The production of my candles is done by hand, this way offering a guaranteed job for as many people as possible. Eighty percent of the employees are female. The company is WFTO certified.

How to do a simple Candle Magick Ritual
– Light a candle appropriate for your need
– Write your intention on a piece of paper
– Let the paper burn in the flame
– As the candle burns, your wish transcends up and into the universe
– Allow the candle to completely burn out sealing your wish

You may also want to place relevant crystals, herbs, or flowers around your candle to amplify the right vibes.

For the advanced spell casters “Anointing the Candle”
Prior to performing any spell, the candle can be anointed. This is typically done with a small amount of spell oil such as my Jezebel Oil or any oil you prefer. Rubbing oil on the candle with your fingertips infuses the candle with your energy and intention. Start in the middle of the candle and rub oil toward the top and then toward the base.

Use candles to bring greater focus to your energy-healing work.
Inner Peace is the best investment for World Peace. Before lighting your candle, please take a few moments for a short meditation. The light of the candle will be dedicated to yourself and to all sentient living beings. To your wish to think and act purely. To heal which needs to be healed. To your wish to purify your spirit. You may also direct your attention and your wish to one or more chakras and to specific wishes for yourself and others. By doing this, you will help yourself and the world, just from within.

Make Everyday Magick,

Madame Formtastica

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg