Auralite 23
Created over 1.2 billion ago during the Meso-proterozoic age when the earth was seeing its first signs of life, it is thought to be the world’s oldest crystal, reflecting a wondrous journey through time. Auralite 23 is only found in one mine north of Thunder Bay in the Boreal Forests of Ontario, Canada. These are very rare and difficult to find, consisting mainly of Amethyst and at least 8 of 23 minerals, making each piece truly unique. The 23 minerals, identified by X-Ray diffraction, contained within the matrix are: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite, and Rutile.
Auralite 23 is generally used by advanced spiritual professionals and is known as the ultimate master healer. It is an incredibly powerful crystal with the sheer amounts of elements contained within you will have to get to know your crystal to see what it’s unique special powers are. In general, they are said to purify and cleanse, generate calming energy fields, clear the mind, allow positive change, usher in harmony and serve as a bridge to the spiritual realms. They are also a magnet for good fortune.
House of Formlab Cabinet of Curious Crystals are hand picked with a focus on their energy when held and their aesthetic beauty.