Ruby in Blue Kyanite Pocket / Bra Stones

Original price was: €4.99.Current price is: €2.99.

Manifest that shit

This is not your basic bitch crystal. Ruby in Kyanite is not common, and our beautiful stones come from a small mine in India. This crystal will get your life force pumping, make you feel reinvigorated, and let you tap into your 6th sense through hyperawareness. It is connected to the Throat Chakra it encourages self-expression and confidence. If you feel your energy is blocked this is a rewarding crystal to use for getting things flowing again so you can manifest the sh*%t out of life.

Kitten approved.

Average weight 6-12g. These have a natural finished, they are not highly polished. If you are very lucky you may get a rare combination piece also containing green Fuschite, which is known as Ruby Fuschite in Kyanite. 


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Ruby in Blue Kyanite

Ruby Kyanite is primarily mined in India, it is a combination of the precious gemstone Ruby, which in this form appears as a vibrant opaque magenta colour, and royal Blue Kyanite.

It heightens the sensitivity of your receptors to allow you to tap into your hyperawareness as and when you choose. While it connects to the Root Chakra it also taps into your Third Eye, allowing you to channel information from higher realms. An invigorating crystal, it’s amazing for getting your life force pumping. Blue Kyanite itself is a protective crystal, connected to the Throat Chakra it encourages self-expression and confidence. If you feel your energy is blocked this is rewarding crystal to use for getting things flowing again so you can manifest the shit out of life.

Conscious Crystal Sourcing

At House of Formlab we always try to source our crystals in an ethically-minded way. We only choose high-quality pieces and work with trusted and reputable suppliers who also take ethics in the crystal supply chain very seriously.

Many of our suppliers buy directly from the mines and they undertake regular site visits during buying trips to ensure working conditions and low-impact environmental protections are as claimed. None of our suppliers knowingly buy from mines with any child labour, poor or dangerous working conditions. Certain countries are known for dubious practices and we avoid sourcing from those regions.

Often crystals are not what the miners are digging for. More often than not they are byproducts found alongside more valuable elements such as those are used in our mobile phones and TVs. This makes supply chains complicated but where we can we avoid minerals and crystals known to come from this type of operation.

Certificates are often hard to come by. There is still no overarching governing body that certifies crystals in the same way as diamonds are now tracked and certified – mainly due to the difference in value. The more outcry there is, the more chance is idea will gain traction. So keep asking and campaigning for ethically sourced crystals and together we can change the crystal universe.

Buying crystals is a learning process. We will make mistakes, everyone does, but rest assured we are trying our best to make the right choices and provide you with the crystal you can be proud of.

Intuitively Chosen

we use our intuition to choose a piece we feel is calling us for you – a piece that is absolutely meant to be yours. We are huge believers in the crystal chooses the owner, not the other way around.

We do our best to make sure that the listing photos and information accurately depict what we have available so you have an idea of what is coming your way, but the rest is up to the universe.

With crystal-infused love,

Madame Formtastica

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg