A simple Money Come To Me spell using your Sacred Mother Incense Bomb to supercharge your prosperity:
What You Need:
• Your “Money Come To Me” Smudge Bomb
• Your trusty incense burner
• A quiet, sacred space
• A lighter or candle
The Spell:
- Prepare Your Space: Set up your incense burner in a calm spot where you feel inspired. Clear any clutter and, if you like, place a coin or a symbol of abundance (e.g. a Citrine of Aventurine crystal) nearby to act as a conduit of your magick.
- Set Your Intention: Write down your manifestation, be specific and say, “Money comes to me, abundance flows freely—I’m open to prosperity and success.” Feel each word resonate within you. Fold your paper 3 times.
- Ignite the Magick: Place the smudge bomb in your incense burner. Light it gently and watch the smoke rise, carrying your intention into the universe. Visualize a radiant stream of abundance flowing directly to you.
- Meditate with a Money Invocation: As you watch the mesmerizing smoke and feel the abundance flowing towards you for about 10 minutes, recite this invocation:
“Oh, Universe, shower me with wealth and light,
Open my channels, let abundance ignite.
Prosperity flow, rich and free—
I welcome your blessings, abundantly.” - Let these words fill your heart as you connect deeply with the energy of abundance.
- Close the Ritual: Once the bomb has finished burning, take a deep, grateful breath. Trust that your intention is now set in motion. Let the cooled ash, folded paper and your crystal return to Mother Nature as a symbol of your newly invited abundance.
There you go, love—your very own money spell to invite prosperity into your life. Enjoy the magic and watch as the Universe showers you with blessings!
How to Smudge & Smoke Cleanse
If you would like to learn more about how to perform your own Smudging and Smoke Cleansing Rituals you can visit our blog which also contains a free downloadable guide.
>> Step-by-Step Guide to Smoke Cleansing Blog
>> Download Full Guide
With love,