Himalayan Salt // For Soaks & Rituals


Relax & make magick

Himalayan Salt is beautiful pink/peach form of rock salt (halite) which is mined exclusively in the Punjab region of Pakistan. You can use this salt for magick bath soaks, as a protective circle during spell work, and as an offering on an altar.

Read our instructions and ideas below for some spell bottles, ritual bath soaks, and altar offerings to give you some inspiration.

Not for food consumption. Bag weights 1Kg

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SKU: MG-SALT-HIMA Categories: , Tags: , , , , GTIN: 8785275723138


Bath Soak for Finding Love:
1 cup of Himalayan Salt
3 drops of Rose essential oil
3 drops of Clove essential oil
3 whole Cloves
Sprinkling of rose petals

Bath Soak for Sleep:
1 cup of Himalayan Salt
4 drops of Lavender essential oil
1 tablespoon of Chamomile flowers
1 teaspoon of Juniper berries (crushed)

Bath Soak for Focus:
1 cup Himalayan Salt
4 drops of Peppermint essential oil
4 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
Sprinkling of Milk Thistle tea

Altar Offering for Prosperity:
In a bowl for your altar, mix:
1 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt
1 teaspoon of Oats
1 teaspoon of Marigold flower petals
A piece of Aventurine crystal

Altar Offering for Attracting Your Soul Mate:
In a bowl for your altar, mix:
1 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt
1 teaspoon of dried Rose Petals
4 dried cloves
Small pieces of Rose Quartz
Piece of Rhodonite crystal
Twin Flame crystal (if you have one)

Spell Bottle for Psychic Visioning:
Scoop of Himalayan Salt for grounding
Stick of Cinnamon for improving your psychic ability by increasing your vibrational frequency.
Sprinkle of Mugwort for lucid dreaming, aiding clairvoyance and summoning spirit guides.
Sandalwood Incense to heighten spiritual vibrations and protect you.
Amethyst crystal to open your Third Eye and channel messages

Spell Bottle for Connecting to Your Ancestors:
Scoop of Himalayan Salt for connecting to the earth
Sprinkle of Cats Claw (the plant) to draw in the magick
Sprinkle of Nettle to reach back through ancestral lines
Sprinkle of Rosemary for protection from any troublemaking spirits and to access your suppressed memories
2 drops of Cedar Oil for summoning
Piece of Petrified (fossilised) wood, fossil, or Septarian crystal for ancient ancestor connection

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

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