I put a spell on you. And now you’re mine!
Instead of stuffed teddies, heart-shaped chocolates, or crying over a tub of Ben & Jerry’s – how about making a little magick this Valentine’s Day?
The origins of Valentine’s Day are lost to the mists of time but the earliest origin story is the pagan holiday Lupercalia. Occurring mid-February it was a celebration of fertility. It involved nudity, animals and sacrifice. Later adopted by the Romans it has evolved over time into the commercial love fest we know today.
According to ancient lore, this means now is the perfect time to unleash your inner magick, follow your intuition, bless a union, find your twin flame, or simply enjoy the cycle of Mother Nature. If you would like to celebrate this Valentine’s Day with a little magick then I got you covered with my alternative Valentine’s wish list.
Let’s kick the day off by attracting a mate for this season of fertility. Your beau, a new hot lover or reigniting an old flame. Leave a trail of enchantment in your wake and kick start your animal magnetism by enhancing your pheromones with my 01 Magick Water // Molecular Eau de Parfum.
Need a little help casting an aura of “available for love?” Or finding your soul mate? Or just Mr Right-Now? Then pop a Rose Quartz and a Rhodocrosite from my Love Stones Crystal Magick Kit into your bra or pocket to let the crystal magick enhance your aura and draw them to you.
Had enough of waiting for it to just “happen”? Why not try a little witchcraft and wizardry? During the season of Lupercalia, love really is in the air. The animals are mating, and nature is coming to life. Use this natural magick to time your rituals and spells. Delve into Love Spells // Rituals, Spells & Potions to Spark Your Romantic Life by eclectic witch Semra Haksever to help you manifest the love in your life that you desire. Use my red Love Spell Candles, infused with Clove, Nutmeg and Cinnamon essential oils to perform your spells.
Planning on drawing in a rich lover? Then use my families traditional recipe Jezebel Oil. Jezebel Oil is traditionally a Louisiana Hoodoo Oil used to attract some mo’ money, or draw in a wealthy, generous gentleman, or sugar cougar. Use it to trigger the return of a lover, draw your true love to you or add some extra magick to your love spell. You can anoint a spell candle, a specific crystal, your phone (get them to call you now), jewellery, money, wands, your car, your body. Be creative, just be careful this is potent stuff!
“Gettin jiggy wit it?” If you have attracted someone into your web…I mean boudoir, then add a spark of lust to the ambience with my Creative Juice Smudging Spray. It contains a potent blend of Mandarin and Bergamot essential oils to enhance your creative thinking and Carnelian crystals to put some oomph in your sex life and get the party started.
Ok so I’ve covered lovers but what if you just want to show your bestie how much you care, that they are loved and valued or just treat yourself to some love-infused crystal magick.
My Top 5 Bestie and Self-Love Gifts
1. Rose Quartz Hand Carved Heart
Remind your bestie how much you care with a beautifully carved Rose Quartz Heart. Rose Quartz has been used as a love token since 600 B.C and has soft feminine energy of compassion and tenderness. It speaks directly to your heart helping dissolve fears and resentments, reawakening you to a deep sense of contentment, opening you up to love, and be loved unconditionally. It can also be used to draw in new love, reaffirms existing relationships and tightens family bonds. Each heart comes in its own muslin pouch together with and beautiful information scroll.
2. Heart Healing Bracelet with Morganite
Heal your heart with one of my favourite magick bracelets, the Heart Healing Bracelet with Morganite from modern nomad Komala of Tiger Frame.
3. Rose Quartz Lovin’ Sphere
Spread loving energy in your home with a 360-degree energy scattering Rose Quartz Sphere. Perfect to strengthen family bonds or replenish love in a stressed or exhausted household.
4. Mala to Attract Love
For a deluxe way to attract love into your life, you can always treat yourself to a Love Attraction Mala by the (in)famous Anna Michielan. One of the best Mala makers on the planet, Anna has combined the power of Clear Quartz with the ultimate love story crystal, Rose Quartz to give you a wearable piece of magick.
5. Create a Love Magick Alter
Add some feminine loving energy into your rituals and spells with my absolutely amazeballs Rose Quartz Alter Slabs.
I hope that you enjoyed my alternative Valentine’s Guide.
Happy Lupercalia magick peeps!