The Whitches Wheel of the Year

Gather round, witches, for I have a witch-tastic treat for you!

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious newcomer, learning about the correspondences of each sabbat is a great way to deepen your connection to the seasons and the natural world.

In modern witchcraft and Wicca, there are eight holidays, also known as Sabbats, that are celebrated throughout the year. These holidays are often referred to as the Wheel of the Year, as they mark the changing seasons and the cycles of nature.

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Wheel of the Year

From the crystals that harness the energy of the earth, to the incense that set the mood, to the tarot cards that deepen our understanding of the energies at play, there are so many ways to explore the magic of each sabbat. So let’s dive in and discover the correspondences of each sabbat.

witches wheel of the year

The 8 Sabbats


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Yule (Winter Solstice) – celebrated around December 21st, this holiday marks the longest night of the year and the return of the sun. at Yule, we light some candles, drink some hot cocoa, and exchange gifts (just like Christmas, but with more candles and less capitalism).candle

✧*:・Matching crystal – Snowflake Obsidian: Because nothing says “winter” like a black and white rock that looks like a snowflake. It’s also great for grounding and protection during the dark and cold season.

✧*:・Matching incense – Frankincense: This classic incense is perfect for setting a cozy, wintery vibe. It’s also great for purifying and grounding, which is especially important during the dark and cold season.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – The World: This card represents completion and wholeness, making it a great match for the end of one year and the beginning of a new one.

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Imbolc (Candlemas) – celebrated around February 2nd, this holiday marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and is associated with the first signs of spring. Imbolc is all about channeling your inner High Priestess and embracing your intuitive, mysterious side. It’s the perfect time to tap into your inner wisdom and let it guide you to new insights and possibilities. Feeling creative? Whip up some homemade candles or create a vision board to help you focus your intentions. Or, if you’re feeling a little more low-key, snuggle up with a good book and a warm mug of tea, and let your mind drift to wherever the spirit takes you.

✧*:・Matching crystal – Amethyst: This purple beauty is perfect for tapping into your intuition and spiritual wisdom, which is what Imbolc is all about. Plus, it looks pretty sweet next to a Brigid’s Cross.

✧*:・ Matching incense – Myrrh: This sweet and spicy incense is perfect for tapping into your intuition and spiritual wisdom, which is what Imbolc is all about. It’s also great for purification and protection.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – The High Priestess: This card represents intuition and mystery, making it a great match for the quiet introspection of Imbolc.

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Ostara (Spring Equinox) – celebrated around March 20th, this holiday marks the beginning of spring and the return of longer days and warmer weather. Try making some homemade flower crowns or creating some colorful mandalas to channel the energy of the season. Or, if you’re in the mood for some spring cleaning, why not declutter your space and create a fresh, clean slate for the new season?

✧*: Matching crystal – Green Aventurine: As the world starts to come back to life, green is the color of the season. Green Aventurine is a great crystal for abundance, growth, and prosperity – just like springtime.

✧*:・Matching incense – Jasmine is a great incense for celebrating the arrival of spring and all its beauty.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – The Emperor: This card represents structure and stability, making it a great match for the beginning of spring and the rebirth of the natural world.

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Beltane (May Day) – celebrated around May 1st, this holiday marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice and is associated with fertility, growth, and new beginnings. At Beltane, things start heating up – we dance around a maypole, jump over bonfires, and generally let loose in the name of fertility (but let’s keep it PG-13, shall we?).

✧*:・Matching crystal – Rose Quartz: This soft pink crystal is all about love and passion, which is what Beltane is all about. Whether you’re celebrating with a partner or flying solo, Rose Quartz can help you tap into that fiery energy.

✧*:・Matching incense – Rose: This sweet and romantic scent is perfect for celebrating love and passion, which is what Beltane is all about. It’s also great for enhancing creativity and intuition.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – The Lovers: This card represents love and partnership, making it a great match for the passionate energy of Beltane.

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Litha (Summer Solstice) – celebrated around June 21st, this holiday marks the longest day of the year and the peak of summer. As for Litha, it’s all about soaking up the sun and feeling those good summer vibes. We might take a nature walk, go for a swim, or just lounge in the grass and contemplate the mysteries of the universe.

✧*:・Matching crystal – Sunstone: Because, duh, it’s the stone of the sun. Sunstone is great for boosting energy and vitality, and for helping you connect with your inner light.

✧*:・Matching incense – Lavender: This soothing and calming scent is perfect for celebrating the longest day of the year. It’s also great for promoting healing and relaxation.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – The Sun: This card represents vitality and energy, making it a great match for the longest day of the year and the power of the sun.

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Lammas (Lughnasadh) – celebrated around August 1st, this holiday marks the beginning of the harvest season and is associated with the bounty of the earth. Together, as we honor the first harvest of the season, we give thanks, feast, craft, and connect with the magic of nature, celebrating Lammas with reverence and joy.

✧*:・Matching crystal. Citrine: This golden crystal is perfect for celebrating the abundance of the harvest season. It’s also great for manifesting your goals and bringing a little sunshine into your life.

✧*:・Matching incense – Sandalwood: This earthy and grounding scent is perfect for celebrating the abundance of the harvest season. It’s also great for promoting focus and mental clarity.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – The Hermit: This card represents introspection and wisdom, making it a great match for the harvest season and the contemplation of abundance.

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Mabon (Autumn Equinox) – celebrated around September 21st, this holiday marks the beginning of fall and the balance between light and dark. Come Mabon, we’re ready to harvest the fruits of our labor – both metaphorically and literally. We might decorate our altars with cornucopias, bake some pies, or simply give thanks for the abundance in our lives.mushroom

✧*:・Matching crystal – Jasper: As the leaves start to turn and the days grow shorter, we need a little extra grounding and stability. Jasperis a great crystal for connecting with the earth and finding your balance.

✧*:・Matching incense – Patchouli is a great incense for connecting with the earth and finding your balance.

✧*:Corresponding Tarot Card – The Justice: This card represents balance and fairness, making it a great match for the equinox and the return to balance.

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Samhain (Halloween) – celebrated around October 31st, this holiday marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the wintermonths. It is also a time for honoring the dead and communicating with ancestors. Ah and my favorite Samhain, the witchiest of all holidays. This is the time when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, and we can connect with our ancestors and beloved dead. Some of us might carve pumpkins, make offerings to the spirits, or hold a seance (just don’t blame me if things get scary).

✧*:・Matching crystal – Black Tourmaline: When it comes to spooky season, nothing beats Black Tourmaline for protection and grounding. It’s also a great crystal for connecting with the shadow side of things and releasing old patterns.

✧*:・Matching incense – Cedarwood: the mystical scent of protection and grounding. It’s also a great incense for connecting with your ancestors and the spirit world.

✧*:・Corresponding Tarot Card – Death: This card represents transformation and change, making it a great match for the season of endings and the thinning of the veil.

It’s a wrap

Alas, the magick of the moment has come to its conclusion – it’s a wrap! As each holiday comes, Witches and Wiccans alike find themselves immersed in the traditions, rituals, and symbols that bind them to the cycles of nature and the changing seasons. Such occasions are an opportunity to revel in the wonders of the natural world and to honor the sacred rhythms of life. Therefore, my dear friend, let each Sabbat be a unique celebration, brimming with creativity and joy. Happy Sabbat-ing to all!

With love & magick,

Madame Formtastica


By House of Formlab