What makes October so witchy?

Oh love, October is pure magick!

It’s a month when the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds grows thin, making it easier to connect with spirits, ancestors, and your higher self. The energy is deeply transformative, which is why it’s such a sacred time for witches.

Here’s what makes October so witchy:

Samhain (Halloween) – October 31st is Samhain, one of the most powerful sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. It’s the witch’s New Year, marking the end of the harvest and a time to honor the dead, ancestors, and the cycle of death and rebirth.

Veil Between Worlds Thins – As the days grow shorter and darker, it’s believed the veil between the living and the spirit realms thins, allowing for deeper divination, spirit communication, and ancestral work.

Scorpio Season – The end of October marks the beginning of Scorpio season, a sign known for its depth, mystery, and connection to transformation, death, and rebirth. Perfect energy for shadow work and diving into your personal magick.

Autumnal Energies – The falling leaves and cooling air symbolize release and letting go, which ties beautifully into spellwork for banishing, transformation, and clearing out what no longer serves you.

Harvest Magick – October is the final harvest before winter sets in, making it a time to reflect on what you’ve reaped over the year and prepare for the dark, introspective winter months. It’s ideal for gratitude rituals, kitchen witchery, and preserving nature’s bounty.

Witchy Vibes Everywhere – From the autumn decor of pumpkins, bats, and moonlit nights to the cultural embrace of witches during Halloween, the collective energy is charged with magickal vibes, making it a great time to dive deep into your own practice.

My Samhein Invocation

Samhain, Samhain, let the ritual begin,

We call upon our sacred ancestors to come in

Samhain, Samhain, we call upon our kin,

We call upon our dear departed loved ones to come in

The Veil between the worlds is thin

Our hearts reach cross the sea of time

To bring our loved ones in

Samhain, Samhain we honor all our kin

We honor those who’ve gone before

As the Great Wheel turns again

Blue Candle Ritual to Invoke Spirit Messages

You’ll Need:
– 1 blue candle (symbolizing communication and connection to the spirit world)
– Cleansing tool (sage, incense, or a crystal like selenite)
– Paper & pen
– A quiet, sacred space
– Lighter or matches



1. Cleanse your space: Use sage, incense, or your chosen tool to clear the energy in your space, making it open and inviting for spirit communication. As you cleanse, say:
“I cleanse this space, welcoming only spirits of light and truth.”

2. Set your intention: Write on a piece of paper what you seek from the spirits—whether guidance, a message, or insight. Be open to what they wish to share with you.

3. Light the blue candle: As you light it, say:
“Spirits of love, truth, and light, I invite you to come near. Whisper your messages, and may I hear them with clarity and trust.”

4. Focus on the flame: Sit quietly, focusing on the soft, calming blue flame. Visualize the veil thinning around you, opening a gateway for spirits to come closer and communicate. Be open to receiving subtle messages—whether through feelings, whispers, or visions.

5. Write down any impressions: As the spirits draw near, take note of any thoughts, feelings, or images that come to you. Spirit messages can be gentle whispers in your mind or a sudden clarity of thought.

6. Close the ritual: Once you feel you have received the messages, thank the spirits for their guidance and presence. Say:
“Thank you, spirits of light, for your whispers and wisdom. I honor you and release you with gratitude.”

7. Extinguish the candle (or let it burn out safely), closing the session with a sense of peace and clarity.

This blue candle ritual is perfect for connecting with the spirit world during October’s thinning veil. Let the spirits draw near and share their messages in the whispers of the flame.

✨ Astrological Highlights October 2024:

– Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 2nd): A powerful moment of new beginnings and balance. This eclipse will push you to confront relationships, harmony, and justice in your life. It’s the perfect time to reflect on how you give and receive in relationships—both in the physical and spiritual realms.

– Mercury in Scorpio (starting October 3rd): The planet of communication enters intense Scorpio, helping us dive deep into hidden truths. Secrets may rise to the surface, and our intuitive powers are heightened. It’s a great time for shadow work and using tarot or other tools to uncover the deeper layers of your own psyche.

– Full Moon in Aries (October 17th): This fiery full moon calls for bold action and stepping into your power. Aries energy is all about courage, independence, and breaking through barriers. Harness this moon’s energy for manifesting what you desire or clearing away anything that holds you back.

– Scorpio Season Begins (October 23rd): As we shift into the watery depths of Scorpio, expect your emotions and intuition to be heightened. Scorpio season is all about transformation, death, rebirth, and diving deep into your shadows to rise more powerful and connected than ever.

Here are my musings and tips for October:

 1. Create an Ancestor Altar: Set up a sacred space for your ancestors with photos, mementos, and offerings like food, flowers, or candles. Use this space to connect with them throughout the month, especially on Samhain.

 2. Full Moon Ritual in Aries: Channel the bold energy of Aries by writing down what you’re ready to release and burn it under the full moon. It’s the perfect time to shed old habits and step into your personal power.

 3. Eclipse Magick: Use the solar eclipse to focus on balance. Perform rituals or meditation around harmonizing your energy—especially in relationships. It’s a great time to seek justice or fairness in any areas of life that feel off-kilter.

 4. Deepen Your Divination Practice: With the thinning of the veil, tarot, oracle cards, or even dream journaling can offer profound insights. Try asking your guides or ancestors for wisdom as you navigate this transformative season.

 5. Embrace Shadow Work: With Mercury in Scorpio and Scorpio season beginning, it’s a great time to do some shadow work. Reflect on the parts of yourself you tend to avoid, and dive deep to heal, transform, and rise stronger.

October is truly a time of deep magick, and it’s here to help us step into our fullest, most authentic selves. Embrace the witch season with all your heart, loves, and allow the energy of this month to guide you toward transformation, healing, and power. ✨

Wishing you love and magical blessings,

Madame Formtastica


By House of Formlab